I create value by

solving problems.

I'm Ovunda Elenwo, but you can just call me Ovunda, pronounced as
Originally hailing from Nigeria in Western Africa, I have in the last couple of years or so been honing my skills in the design, architecture and production of digital products that run on both web and mobile and more recently, Web3 & Blockchain products.
I strive to create elegant solutions that surprise and delight users, while keeping complex technical dependencies in mind for implementation, scalability and developer sanity.
I've mainly worked with small, vibrant teams where I always serve as a valuable team player to the growth and vision of the team. With these teams, I have worked on projects with lifecycles that spanned multiple months and sometimes, a year. I hope in the future to work with much larger teams as that would give me more room for personal growth in my career.
Depending on the organisation, resources and deliverables, I've worn many hats over the years, of which include Web Developer, Mobile Developer, Full-stack Developer and Contract Freelance Software Engineer.
When I'm not punching codes, you'll most likely catch me tutoring French as that is another forte of mine and a passion I'm crazy about.
Got an interesting project on your mind? Let's talk.